Bipartisan support on campus in North Carolina
Unlike many partisan issues that politicians spar over in legislative environments, victims’ rights is an issue that draws support regardless of political affiliation. Marsy’s Law, known as HB 551, has gained support across the state from communities, elected officials, and organizations from every background. The legislation seeks to strengthen victims’ rights laws statewide by giving enforceable protections to victims of crimes – rights like being heard in court proceedings and notified when the accused or convicted change
The majority of North Carolina voters, eight in ten, across the political divide support amending the state’s constitution to give victims of crime stronger rights according to a survey of state voters. During the last legislative session, state House Republicans and Democrats joined forces and voted in overwhelming favor of the amendment that would send it to voters to decide. The state Senate could consider the legislation as early as this spring.
Following the trend, both of the state’s major political party college chapters – College Democrats and Republicans – have recently endorsed Marsy’s Law, giving their support to the important cause.
College Democrats:
“In such a rapidly developing time and world, there are most certainly challenges that we face. In a world where everyday brings new fears and new hurdles, we should expect our leaders to take on that challenge straight ahead. The College Democrats of North Carolina have the gall to realize that in a dangerous world we need laws to restore hope and we need to right our wrongs. For those reasons, we are fully endorsing the passage of Marsy’s Law in North Carolina and call on the NC Legislative leaders to protect and extend victims’ rights across our 100 counties. For far too long many people made victim by violent crime have sat alone and afraid, but with the passage of Marsy’s Law we stand with them and invoke a fearlessness in the eyes of this challenge.”
– John Carry Easterling III, President of College Democrats of North Carolina
College Republicans:
“The North Carolina Federation of College Republicans is proud to endorse Marsy’s Law in North Carolina. Marsy’s Law would establish common sense victims’ rights which are desperately needed.”
– Garrett White, Chairman of North Carolina Federation of College Republicans