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Passage Through GA

Bipartisan Victims' Rights Legislation Passes North Carolina General Assembly - Statewide Vote This Fall



June 27, 2018



Anna Roberts    919-208-4050

Chris Sinclair    919-931-4652


Bipartisan Victims’ Rights Legislation Passes North Carolina General Assembly -

Statewide Vote this Fall

Constitutional Amendment to Strengthen Rights for Crime Victims will be on November 6 Ballot

North Carolina Victims Deserve A Vote For Marsy's Law


Members of the North Carolina General Assembly are working through the 2018 legislative session, wrapping up work on various budget issues and taking up policy issues facing the state.  One important policy issue the legislature is considering includes a constitutional amendment to strengthen victims’ rights - called Marsy’s Law.

Voter Support

North Carolina Voters Support Constitutional Victims' Rights


The daily barrage of polling data during an intense election cycle can leave voters weary of the process. But along with the daily drum of data and numbers telling us what different groups of people are thinking about every topic imaginable, there is an underlying truth and science to this field. And while 2016 showed that polling is by no stretch an exact science, an issue that is supported by 8 out of 10 polled voters is in overwhelmingly solid territory.